


Colfer, Arthur Michael. Morality, Kindred and Ethnic Boundary: A Study of the Oregon Old Believers. Immigrant Communities and Ethnic Minorities in the United States and Canada 3. New York: AMS Press, 1985. 159 pp.


Beliajeff, Anton. “Articles and Books Relating to the Old Orthodox in Languages other than Russian.” In Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique 21, no. 1 (January-March 1980): 109-121.

Book Culture

Kasinec, Edward. “Observations on Slavonic Book Culture, with Notes on a Recent Expedition to Woodburn, Oregon.” St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 23, no. 3-4 (1979) : 217-222.

Cultural Anthropology, Ethnography & Folklore

Museums and Archival Collections

Written Works

Adams, Dail. Field Report File 060073138. (1972-1973). Randall V. Mills Folklore Archive, University of Oregon, Eugene.

Barbich, Sergei. “Old Believers from Alaska.” Sputnik 7 (1993): 104-109.

Beliajeff, Anton S.; Morris, Richard A. “Toward a Further Understanding of the Old Believers.” Cahiers du Monde Russe et Sovietique 28, no. 3-4 (July-Dec. 1987): 425-428.

Boeninger, Mary C. “The Starovery of Woodburn: A Preliminary Study of a School in Cross-Cultural Context.” Randall V. Mills Folklore Archive, University of Oregon, Eugene.

Bushnell, John. Russian Peasant Women Who Refused to Marry: Spasovite Old Believers in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2017. 339 pp.

Carrasco, Priscilla. Praise Old Believers. Portland, Oregon: Priscilla Carrasco in association with Burdock/Burn Art Resource, 2003. 334 p.

Clymer, Martha Bahniuk. Radical Acculturation Patterns in a Traditional Immigrant Group. Final Report. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, Bureau of Research; Philadelphia: Temple University, 1970. 76 pp.

Colfer, Arthur Michael. Morality, Kindred and Ethnic Boundary: A Study of the Oregon Old Believers. Immigrant Communities and Ethnic Minorities in the United States and Canada 3. New York: AMS Press, 1985. 159 pp.

de Sherbinin, Julie. “Journey to the Past: a Year With the Old Believers.” Amherst (June 1980): 24-27.

Dean, Kevin. “The Russian Old Believers—a Different Perspective.” (Interview). Field Report File 061580049, tape T-5-06180049. Randall V. Mills Folklore Archive, University of Oregon, Eugene.

Dolitsky, Alexander B. Change, Stability, and Values in the World of Culture: A Case from Russian Old Believers in Alaska. 2nd. ed. Alaska-Siberia Research Publications 6. Juneau, AK: Alaska-Siberia Research Center, 1994. 42 pp.

—— Old Russia in Modern America: A Case from Russian Old Believers in Alaska. 4th ed. Alaska-Siberia Research Publications 10. Juneau, AK: Alaska-Siberia Research Center, 2017. 80 pp.

—— Staraia Rossiia v sovremennoi Amerike: russkie staroobriadtsy na Aliaske. Alaska-Siberia Research Publications 14. Juneau, AK: Alaska-Siberia Research Center, 2007. 56 pp.

Fedorova, S. G.  “Sem’ia u Russkikh Staroverov na Aliaska.” In Sem’ia u Narodov Ameriki. Edited by Sh. A. Bogina, 297-307. Moscow: Nauka, 1991.

Flores, Merced, et al. Cultural and Program Awareness Manual for Migrant Educators. Directions and Program Awareness for Administrators, Teachers, and Aides. Salem, OR: Oregon State Department of Education, Compensatory Education Section. Oregon Migrant Education Service Center, 1982. 142 pp. (ERIC Document #ED225743).

Hixon, Margaret. Old Believers. Virginia: Folkstreams, 1981. DVD, 29 min. (Also available online through Folkstreams.)

Hudanish, John P. “Report on the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Community in Oregon.” Woodburn Department of Human Resources: August 1973. 23 p.

Johnson, Patricia White. “Dress and Acculturation among the Russian Old Believers in Oregon.” MA thesis, Oregon State University, 1983. 134 pp.

Jones, Suzi. Webfoots and Bunchgrassers: Folk Art of the Oregon Country. Salem, Oregon: Oregon Arts Commission, 1980.

Kane, Eileen M. “Old Believers.” Brown Alumni Monthly, Nov. 1996, 20-27.

Kasatkina, Rozaliia Frantsevna. “Oregonskie staroobriadtsy.” Zhivaia starina 48, no. 4 (2005): 51-54.

Kuzmina, Liudmila P. “Old Believers in North America.” Paper presented at the conference of the Congress of the International Society for European Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF). Suz’dal, USSR, September 1982. Located at the Randall V. Mills Folklore Archive, University of Oregon, Eugene. 17 pp.

—— “Staroobriadtsy. Opyt k probleme aotsial’no-kul’turnoi adaptatsii.” In Staroobriadchestvo; istoriia, kul’tura, sovremennost’: tezisy 1997, edited by O.P. Ershova, V.I. Osipov, and Y.I. Sokolova, 7-9. Moscow: Muzei istorii i kultury staroobriadchestva, 1997. The entire volume in which this article is published is available for full download here.

La Gorce, John Oliver. “Penn’s Land of Modern Miracles.” National Geographic 68, no.1 (July 1935): 1-58.

Morris, Richard A. “Contemporary Old Believer Settlements in Western United States: 20th Century Accommodation and Preservation.” In Sprache, Literatur und Geschichte der Altgläubigen, edited by Baldur Panzer and Timo Haapenen, 133-148. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1988.

—— “The Dispersion of Old Believers in Russia and Beyond.” In “Silent as Waters We Live” Old Believers in Russia and Abroad: Cultural Encounter With the Finno-Ugrians, edited by Juha Pentikainen,103-125. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 1999.

——  “Icons Amidst Russian Old Believers of Oregon and Alaska.” in Byzantium in the Casting Ladle: A Millennium of Metal Icons (exhibit brochure). Edited by Galina Frolova and Pia Lillbroända. Vantaa, Finland: Vantaan Kaupunginmuseo, 2000.

——  “Mir molodykh staroobriadtsev v Origone.” In Traditsionnaia dukhovnaia i material’naia kul’tura russkikh staroobriadcheskikh poselenii v stranakh Evropy, Azii i Ameriki. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, edited by Nikolai Nikolaevich Pokrovskii and Richard A. Morris, 17-22. Novosibirsk: “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie, 1992.

——  “Obschina staroverov v Amerike kak odna iz modelei dlia razvitiia demokratii v Rossii.” In Skupiska Staroobrzedowcow w Europie, Azji i Ameryce: ich Miesce i Tradycje we Wspolczesnym Swiecie, edited by Iryda Grek-Pabisowa, Irena Maryniakowa and Richard Morris, 23-31. Warsaw: Slawistyczny Osrodek Wydawniczy: Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Slawistyki, 1994.

——  “Old Believers.” In Russia and Eurasia, China, ed. Paul Freidrich, 272-275. Vol. 6 of Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Boston, Mass. G.K Hall, 1991.

——  “The Old Believers: the Survival of a Religious and Cultural Heritage.” SEEFA Journal 6, no.2 (Fall 2001): 5-10.

—— “Po Starykovsky (The Old People’s Way): End of Life Attitudes and Customs in Two Traditional Russian Communities.” In Coping With the Final Tragedy: Cultural Variation in Dying and Grieving, edited by David R. Counts and Dorothy A. Counts., 91-112. Amityville, New York: Baywood Publishing Company, 1991.

—— “Polevaia rabota po izucheniiu traditsionnoi russkoi kul’tury v SShA i Rossii.” In Traditsionnaia narodnaia kul’tura naseleniia Urala: materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, edited by S.A. Dimukhametova et al., 34-38. Perm: Permskii Obl. Kraevedcheskii Muzei, 1997.

—— “The Problem of Preserving a Traditional Way of Life Amongst the Old Believers of the USA and the USSR.” Religion in Communist Lands 18, no. 4 (Winter 1990): 356-362.

—— “Russian Old Believers.” American Immigrant Cultures: Builders of a Nation, 2 vols., 743-748. Edited by David Levinson and Melvin Ember. New York: MacMillan, 1997.

—— “Russian Orthodox Old Believers: Traits of a 17th Century Culture in the 21st Century.” In Russia and the Asian-Pacific Region, edited by Vladimir Maliavin, 22-47. Taipei, Taiwan: Tamkang University, 2004.

—— “Sokhranie i izmenenie etnichnosti v polietnicheskoi srede.” In Etnicheskie protsessy v SSSR i SSHa: materialy sovetsko-amerikanskogo simpoziuma, edited by V.I. Kozlov. 163-183. Moskva: INION AN SSSR, 1986.

—— “Staroobriadtsy v Oregone.” Zhivaia starina, 3 (1994): 54-55.

  • A complete bibliography of this journal can be downloaded for free through the Center of Russian Folklore (Tsentr russkogo folklora).

—— and Morris, Tamara. “Svadebnyi obriad u staroobriadtsev Oregona.” Zhivaia starina 2(54), (2007): 15-18.

—— “Three Russian Groups in Oregon: a Comparison of Boundaries in a Pluralistic Environment.” PhD diss., University of Oregon, 1981. 435 pp.

Morris, Tamara. “Odezhda staroverov Oregona.” Zhivaia starina, 3 (2016): 32-37.

Nitoburg, Eduard L’vovich. “Russkie religioznye sektanty i starovery v SSHa.” Novaia i noveishaia istoriia 3 (1999): 34-55.

Paskievich, John. The Old Believers. Featuring Amanda McConnell, Charles Konowal, Harvey Spak, and David Scheffel. Montreal, Quebec: National Film Board of Canada, 1988. DVD, 57 min.

Peskov, Vasilii. Aliaska bol’she, chem vy dumaete. Moskva: Fond im. I.D. Sytina: AO “Komsomol’skaia Pravda”, 1994. 302 pp.

Reardon, Jim. “A Bit of Old Russia Takes Root in Alaska.” National Geographic 142, no 3 (September 1972): 401-424.

Scheffel, David. In the Shadow of Antichrist: the Old Believers of Alberta. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 1991.

——  “Old Believers.” The Canadian Encyclopedia.

——  “Old Believers.” In Encyclopedia of Canada’s Peoples, 1020-1023. Edited by Paul Magocsi. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.

——  “The Old Believers of Berezovka.” PhD diss., McMaster University, 1988. 261 pp. (Full text available here from McMaster University.)

——  “The Russian Old Believers of Alberta. Can Prince Vladimir’s Heirs Survive in the Canadian Mosiac?” Canadian Geographic 103, no.5 (Oct/Nov 1983): 62-69.

—— “”There is Always Somewhere To Go” – Russian Old Believers and the State.” In Outwitting the State, edited by Peter Skalnik, 109-120. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1989.

Sokoloff, Alexis. “Mediaeval Russia in the Pittsburgh District.” The Survey 33 (November 1914): 145-151. Reprinted as “Russian Old Believers in Pittsburgh 1914” in The Russians in America: a Chronology and Fact Book, edited by Vladimir Wertsman, 61- 66. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. : Oceana Publications, 1977.

  • Article was reprinted in Wage-Earning Pittsburg, 78-96. Vol. 6 of Pittsburg Survey. New York: Survey Associates, 1914. It is available to view in full through Harvard University’s libraries.

Silva, Amber Lee. Unsettling Diaspora: The Old Believers of Alaska. Ottawa: Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, 2010. 142 pp. Full text is available via Library and Archives Canada.

Teruoka, Gito. Hakkei Rojin No Eino To Seikatsu: Romanofuka-mura No Seikatsu Jokyo. Tokyo: Osakayago Shoten, Showa 17, 1942. 62 pp.

Untiedt, Jules Albert. “Impingement Upon Old Believers By Agents of Social Change.” PhD diss., United States International University, 1977. 155 pp.

Wigowsky, Paul J. Collection of Old Believer History and Traditions.

Wigowsky, Paul J. Freedom for an Old Believer. Woodburn, Or.: P.J. Wigowsky, 1982.
(available online at

Zharinov, Dennis. “Do boli rodnaia, rodnaia Boliviia.” Aeroflot Inflight Magazine (July-August 2003): 192-200.


Boeninger, Mary C. “The Starovery of Woodburn: A Preliminary Study of a School in Cross-Cultural Context.” Randall V. Mills Folklore Archive, University of Oregon, Eugene.

Chitty, Patricia. “A Culture in Peril: Russian Old Believers.” In Challenges of Cultural and Racial Diversity to Counseling. London Conference Proceedings (June 25-29, 1989), edited by Edwin L. Herr and John McFadden, 103-106 Vol. 1 of Great Britain and the United States. Alexandria, VA: American Association for Counseling and Development, 1991.

Colangelo, Nicholas; Assouline, Susan G; New, Jennifer K. (Eds.) “End of the Road: the Kenai Peninsula.” In Gifted Voices from Rural America, 23-26. Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development. Iowa City, University of Iowa College of Education: 2001. The full text is available for view via Education Resources Information Center (ERIC # ED463916).

Flores, Merced, et al. Cultural and Program Awareness Manual for Migrant Educators. Directions and Program Awareness for Administrators, Teachers, and Aides. Salem, OR: Oregon State Department of Education, Compensatory Education Section. Oregon Migrant Education Service Center, 1982. 142 pp.

Graber, Elizabeth F. “Old Believer Women in a Postmodern World: Changing Literacy, Changing Lives.” PhD diss., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2002. 270 pp.

Jaffe, Clella Iles. “An Ethnography of a Rural Elementary School District Containing Three Types of Minority Students.” PhD diss., University of Oregon, 1990. 181 pp.

Kern, Yulia. “English Language Learners and Special Education: Implications to Consider for Special Education Programs that Serve Russian Orthodox Old Believer Children.” M. Ed. thesis, University of Alaska Southeast, 2011. 67 pp.

Marion County Russian Resource Committee. Manual for Educators of Russian Old Believer Children in Oregon. Distributed by Marion Intermediate Education District. Salem, Or: 1976. Available online through the Columbia River Basin Ethnic History Archive (CRBEHA).

Moore, Kenneth R. “The Old Believers: a History of a Traditional Society.” MA thesis, East Tennessee State University, 1981. 76 pp.

Nickerson, Tever “Old Beliefs and New Ways : Evaluating the Changing Educational Values and Role Expectations of Old Believer Women in Oregon’s Willamette Valley.” Willamette University Undergraduate Research Grants Program 5, Willamette University, 1991. 36 pp.

Sabey, Ralph Harris “Staroveri and School: A Case Study of the Education of Russian Immigrant Children in a Rural Oregon Community.” PhD. diss., University of Oregon, 1969. 177 pp.


Hardwick, Susan W. “The Impact of Religion on Ethnic Survival: Russian Old Believers in Alaska.” The California Geographer 31 (1991): 19-35.

—— Russian Refuge: Religion, Migration and Settlement on the North American Pacific Rim. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. 237 pp.

—— “Russian Religious Settlement Along the Pacific Rim.” In Geographical Snapshots of North America, edited by Donald G. Janelle, 223-226. New York: Guilford Press, 1992.

Neuburger, Mary Catherine “Exodus to Oregon: the Emigration of Russo-Ukrainian Pentecostals to the American West 1988-93.” MA thesis, University of Washington, 1993. 137 pp.


Bentley, Margaret E. “Diet, Culture and Nutrition Among Oregon’s Old Believers.” MA thesis, University of Connecticut, 1983. 81 pp.

Hall, Roberta L.  “Ecology of Breast Feeding Among the Russian Old Believers of Oregon.” (Abstract). American Journal of Human Biology 81, no. 1 (1996): 117.


Balawyder, A. "Russian Refugees from Constantinople and Harbin, Manchuria enter Canada." Canadian Slavonic Papers 14, no. 1 (Spring 1972): 15-30.

Baranovskii, Vasilii. “Staroobriadtsy v SShA.” In Staroverie Baltii i Pol’shi: kratkii istoricheskii i biograficheskii slovar’, edited by Vasilii Baranovskii and Grigorii Potashenko, 392. Vilnius: Aidai, 2005.

Beliajeff, Anton S. "The Old Believers in the United States." Russian Review 36, no. 1 (January 1977): 76-80.

Blinn, Gregory. Blinn, Nikitin, Leonoff, & Marx : Four Erie Old Believer Families from Baba Yaga to Staraya Baba. Fairfax, California: G. Blinn, 2005. 313 pp.

Currier, Janice Arlee. “Golubets, Gravehouse and Gate: Old Russian Traditions and the Wooden Mortuary Architecture in Russia, Siberia, and the North Pacific.” PhD diss., University of Victoria, 1999. 398 pp.

Dolan, Karen. "Sava (Sam Lee) and Anna Legenzoff: Pioneer Russian Settlers." Journal of Erie Studies 20, no. 2 36-68.

Elder, Polly. All This Shall Pass: One Hundred Years 1894-1994. Duncan, BC.: P. Elder, 1995. 267 pp.

The End of Steel: Hines Creek, a Pictorial History. Hines Creek, Alberta: End of Steel Heritage Museum, 1980. 232p.

Hall, Roberta L. "The Russian Old Believers of Marion County, Oregon." Marion County History 10 (1969-1971): 49-55.

Holdeman, Jeffrey David. “Language Maintenance and Shift Among the Russian Old Believers of Erie, Pennsylvania.” PhD diss., Ohio State University, 2002. 259 pp.

Homeglen Ladies Club. Homeglen Memories, 1900-1980. Homeglen, AB: printed by the Rimbey Record, 1980.

Hood, David. "Erie's Old Believer Community." Journal of Erie Studies 7, no. 1 (1978): 7-39.

Jones, Trevor, and Jones, Joyce. Eds. Heart of the Peace: Fairview and District. (3 vols.) Fairview, Alberta: Town of Fairview, 2005.

McLean, Hec, ed. Waterhole and the Land North of the Peace. Fairview, Alberta: Waterhole Old Timers Association: 1970.

Moore, Kenneth R. “The Old Believers: a History of a Traditional Society.” MA thesis, East Tennessee State University, 1981. 76 pp.

Moorman, Brother Ambrose. "A Short History of the Old Believer Communities in Oregon." St. Benedict, OR: 1972. 8 p. Available in full through the Washington State University's digital archives.

Morris, Richard A. "The Dispersion of Old Believers in Russia and Beyond." In "Silent as Waters We Live" Old Believers in Russia and Abroad: Cultural Encounter With the Finno-Ugrians, edited by Juha Pentikainen,103-125. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 1999.

—— ; Mooris, Tamara. "Russkie starovery severnoi Ameriki: istoriia i sovremennost'." In Staroobriadchestvo: istoriia i sovremennost', mestnye traditsii, russkie i zarubezhnye sviazy: materialy v mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, 31 maia-1 iiuniia 2007 g., edited by N. A. Darbanova, I. Zh. Stepanova, 294-302. Ulan-Ude: Izdatel'stvo Buriatskogo gosuniversiteta, 2007.

Nakamura, Yoshikazu. "Romanovka: poselok staroverov v Man'chzhurii (1936-1945)." In Traditsionnaia dukhovnaia i material'naia kultura russkikh staroobriadcheskikh poselenii v stranakh Evropy, Azii i Ameriki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov, edited by N. N. Pokrovskii and Richard A. Morris, 247-253. Novosibirsk: "Nauka", Sibirskoe otdelenie, 1992.

—— "Starovery glazami iapontsev." In Staroobriadchestvo Sibiri i dal'nego vostoka: istoriia i sovremennost', mestnye traditsii, russkie i zarubezhnye sviazy: materialy vtoroi mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii 6-10 sentiabria 1999 g., g. Vladivostok, edited by IU .V. Argudiaeva 102-108. Vladivostok: Izdatel'stvo Dalnevostochnogo Universiteta, 2000.

Nazarko, Sharon. Hines Creek End of Steel Heritage Museum and Park Educational Activity Book. Hines Creek, Alberta: End of Steel Heritage Museum, 1989.

Piepkorn, Arthur Carl. “The Russian Old Believers.” In Roman Catholic, Old Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, 108-116. Vol. 1 of Profiles in Belief: the Religious Bodies of the United States and Canada. New York: Harper and Row, 1977.

Reiben, Cynthia. "Objective: Citizenship." Community and Junior College Journal 46, no. 2 (October 1975): 20-21.

Robson, Roy. Old Believers in Erie, PA: Tradition, Assimilation, Adaptation. (Exhibition catalog.) Erie, PA: Erie County Historical Society, 1998.

—— “The Other Russians: Old Believer Community Development in Erie, Pennsylvania.” Senior project, Allegheny College, 1985. 197 pp.

Von Rosenbach, Maria. Family Kaleidoscope: from Russia to Canada. North Vancouver, B.C.: F.J. Coan, 1976. 162 p.

Scheffel, David. “Chasovennye Old Believers.” In Buriats – Council of 1589, Orthodox Church, ed. Paul D. Steeves, 139-142. Vol. 5 of Modern Encyclopedia of Religions in Russia and the Soviet Union. New York: Academic International Press, 1993.

—— "Der Altglaubige Bischof Michail Kanadskij und sien Bistum." In Kirche im Osten: Studien zur osteuropaischan Kirchengeschichte un Kirchenkunde 34, 92-100. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1991.

—— In the Shadow of Antichrist: the Old Believers of Alberta. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 1991.

—— “Old Believers.” The Canadian Encyclopedia.

—— “Old Believers.” In Encyclopedia of Canada's Peoples, 1020-1023. Edited by Paul Magocsi. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.

—— "Russian Old Believers and Canada: A Historical Sketch." Canadian Ethnic Studies 21, no. 1 (1989): 1-18.

—— "The Russian Old Believers of Alberta. Can Prince Vladimir's Heirs Survive in the Canadian Mosiac?" Canadian Geographic 103, no.5 (Oct/Nov 1983): 62-69.

—— "Russische Altglaubige in der Mandschurei." In Kirche im Osten: Studien zur osteuropaischan Kirchengeschichte un Kirchenkunde 32, 109-119. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1989.

Wigowsky, Paul J. Collection of Old Believer History and Traditions. (Website.)

—— Freedom for an Old Believer. Woodburn, Or.: P.J. Wigowsky, 1982.

Philology / Linguistics

Ageeva, Elena Aleksandrovna “Dukhovnye razmyshleniia staroobriadtsev Oregona poslednei treti XX v.” In Staroobriadchestvo: istoriia i sovremennost’, mestnye traditsii, russkie i zarubezhnye sviazy: materialy v mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, 31 maia-1 iiuniia 2007 g., edited by A. P. Mairvob, 404-408. Ulan-Ude: Izdatel’stvo Buriatskogo gosuniversiteta, 2007.

—— “Starovery v Rossii i Amerike—obshchee i osobennoe v perepiske i polemike vtoroi poloviny XX v.” Trudy po russkoi i slavianskoi filologii. Lingvistika. Novaia seriia. IV: Russkie starovery za rubezhom / Tartuskii universitet, kafedra russkogo iazyka 1 (2000): 176-188.

Biggins, Michael Edward. “A South Russian Dialect in Oregon: The ‘Turkish’ Old Believers.” PhD diss., University of Kansas, 1985. 292 pp.

Hall, Roberta L. 1973. “Linguistic Variation in Three Russian-Speaking Groups of Oregon“. Anthropological Linguistics. 15 (2): 106-111.

Holdeman, Jeffrey David. “Language Maintenance and Shift Among the Russian Old Believers of Erie, Pennsylvania.” PhD diss., Ohio State University, 2002. 259 pp.

Kasatkin, Leonid Leonidovich. “Razlichiia v proiavlenii odnoi iuzhnorusskoi dialektnoi cherty v ustnoi i pis’mennoi rechi.” Russian Linguistics 22, no. 1 (March 1998): 59-69.

—— ; Kasatkina, Rozaliia Frantsevna. Staroobriadchestvo: istoriia, kul’tura, sovremennost’. Tezisy 1997, edited by O. P. Ershova, V. I.Osipov and Y. I. Sokolova, 208-209. Moscow: Muzei istorii i kul’tury staroobriadchestva, 1997.

—— Kasatkina, Rozaliia Frantsevna. “Nekotorye tekstovye konnektory v regional’nykh i sotsial’nykh raznovidnostiakh russkogo iazyka (a, no, nu).” Russkii iazyk segodnia. Vypusk 1, sbornik statei, edited by L.P. Krysin, 157-169. Also printed in Verbal’naia i neverbal’naia opory prostranstva mezhfrazovykh sviazei: kollektivnaia monografiia, edited by T. M. Nikolaeva, 83-97. Moscow: Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury, 2004.

—— “Neraslichenie i mena svistiashchikh i shipiashchikh v govore russkikh staroobriadtsev, zhivushchikh v SShA v shtate Oregon, i v iazyke ikh predkov.” Sovremennaia russkaia dialektnaia i literaturnaia fonetika kak istochnik dlia istorii russkogo iazyka, edited by L. L. Kasatkin and R. F. Kasatkina, 328-363. Moskva: Nauka, shkola JARK, 1999.

—— “Neraslichenie svistiashchikh i shipiashchikh soglasnykh v iazyke russkikh staroobriadtsev v SShA v shtate Oregon.” Slavistica Vilnensis 46, no. 2 (1997): 138-152. (Series title: Kalbotyra.)

—— “Russkii iazyk oregonskikh staroobriadtsev: iazykovye portrety.” In Rechevoe obshchenie v usloviiakh iazykovoi neodnorodnosti, edited by Leonid Petrovich Krysin. Moscow: URSS, 2000.

Kasatkina, Rozaliia Frantsevna.” Lingvisticheskie svidetel’stva prarodiny ‘Turchan’—russkikh staroobriadtsev, pereselivshikhsia iz Turtsii v SShA.” Trudy po russkoi i slavianskoi filologii. Lingvistika. Novaia seriia. IV: Russkie starovery za rubezhom / Tartuskii universitet, kafedra russkogo iazyka 1 (2000): 38-45.

—— “Nekotorye dialektnye arkhaizmy v govore oregonskikh ‘turchan’.” In Poetika, istoriia literatury, lingvistika. Sbornik k 70-letiiu Viacheslava Vsevolodovicha Ivanova, edited by Aleksei Alekseevich Vigasin and Viacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov, 792-798. Moscow: OGI, 1999.

—— ; Leonid Leonidovich Kasatkin. “Opyt stratigraficheskogo analiza leksiki odnogo pereselencheskogo govora.” In Rusistika na poroge XXI veka: problemy i perspektivy: materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii (Moskva, 8-10, iiunia 2002 g.), edited by A. M. Moldovan and V. N. Belousov, 365-368. Moskva: IRJA RAN, 2003.

—— “Oregonskie staroobriadtsy.” Zhivaia starina 48, no. 4 (2005): 51-54.

—— “Prarodina oregonskikh staroobriadtsev-turchan po dannym ikh govorov.” In Slavianskoe iazykoznanie: XIII mezhdunarodnyi s”ezd slavistov: Liubliana, 2003 g.: doklady rossijskoi delegatsii, International Congress of Slavists (13th: 2003: Ljubljana, Slovenia), edited by V. M. Zhivov, A. M. Moldovan and T. M. Nikolaeva, 309-322. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Indrik,” 2003.

Morris, Tamara. “Russkie starovery severnoi Ameriki: istoriia i sovremennost’.” In Staroobriadchestvo: istoriia i sovremennost’, mestnye traditsii, russkie i zarubezhnye sviazy: materialy v mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, 21 maia-1 iiuniia 2007 g., edited by N. A. Darbanova, I. Zh. Stepanova, 294-302. Ulan-Ude: Izdatel’stvo Buriatskogo gosuniversiteta, 2007.

Nikitina, Serafima Evegen’evna. “Iazykovoe samosoznanie molokan i staroobriadtsev SShA: sud’by russkogo iazyka.” Rusistika 1 (1998).

—— “Oregonskie staroobriadtsy kak lingvokul’turnye lichnosti.” In Staroobriadchestvo, istoriia, kul’tura, sovremennost’. Materialy 1998, edited by V. I. Osipov and Y. I. Sokolova, 200-202. Moscow: Musei istorii I kul’tury staroobriachestva, 1998.

—— “Rol’ voprosnika v opisanii lingvokul’turnogo soznaniia oregonskikh staroobriadtsev.” Trudy po russkoi i slavianskoi filologii. Lingvistika. Novaia seriia. IV: Russkie starovery za rubezhom / Tartuskii universitet, kafedra russkogo iazyka 1 (2000): 107-117.

—— “Russkie konfessional’nye gruppy v SShA: lingvokul’turnaia problematika.” In Russkii iazyk zarubezh’ia, edited by E. V. Krasil’nikova, 69-118. Moscow: Editorial URSS, 2001.

—— “Russkuiu dushu luchshe vyiasniat’ na russkom iazyke.” Zhivaia starina 1 (1999): 36-39.

Rovnova, Ol’ga Gennad’evna. “O kategorii vida v govore russkikh staroobriadtsev shtata Oregon (SShA).” Trudy po russkoi i slavianskoi filologii. Lingvistika. Novaia seriia. IV: Russkie starovery za rubezhom / Tartuskii universitet, kafedra russkogo iazyka 1 (2000): 154-163.

Samoilova, Yulia Valentinovna. “Leksicheskie osobennosti russkogo govora staroobriadtsev sela Nikolaevsk (shtat Aliaska, SShA): na primere bytovoi leksiki.” PhD. diss., Severnyi Mezhdunarodnyi Universitet, 1999.

—— Russkiy ostrovnoi govor staroobriadtsev sela Nikolaevsk (shtat Aliaska, SShA). Moskva: Komnaniia Sputnik+, 2000.

Music / Musicology

Museum and Archival Collections

Edward Keenan Old Believers Collection (AFC 1998/011). Library of Congress American Folklife Center, Washington, D. C.

Nicolas G. Schidlovsky Old Believers Collection (AFC 1987/031). Library of Congress American Folklife Center, Washington, D. C.

Written Works

Church of the Nativity, Russian Orthodox Old Rite. “History of Znamenny Chant.”

Levy, Mark. “Old Believers.” In The United States and Canada, ed. Ellen Koskoff, 916-917 (under “Russian Music” in the “East European Music” section), Vol. 3 of The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. New York: Garland, 1998.

Mazo, Margarita. “Russian Roots, American Branches: Molokans and Old Believers in Two Worlds—Migration, Change and Continuity.” In 1995 Festival of American Folklife, June 23-27 and June 30-July 4, on the National Mall of the United States, edited by Carla M. Borden, 83-89. Smithsonian Institution: cosponsored by the National Park Service, 1995.

Moorman, Brother Ambrose. A Short Introduction to Znamenny Chant and its Notation. Saint Benedict, OR: Old Ritualist Society, 1980. 7 pp.

Physical Anthropology

Freire-Maia, A., N. Freire-Maia, and A. Quelce-Salgado. “Genetic analysis in Russian Immigrants PTC sensitivity, finger prints, color vision, hand clasping, and arm folding.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 18, no. 3 (1960): 235-240.

Hall, Roberta L. “Anthropometric and Genetic Studies in a Russian Old Believer Population.” Human Heredity 23, no. 2 (1973): 113-122.

—— “Ecology of Breast Feeding Among the Russian Old Believers of Oregon.” (Abstract) American Journal of Human Biology 81, no. 1 (1996): 117.

—— “On Population Standards in Fertility.” Current Anthropology 27, no 1 (1983): 47.

—— “Population Biology of the Russian Old Believers of Marion County, Oregon.” PhD diss., University of Oregon, 1970. 185 pp.


Museums and Archival Collections

Museum of Russian Old Orthodox History and Culture. Our Lady of Tikhvin Center, St. Benedict, Oregon.

Edward Keenan Old Believers Collection (AFC 1998/011). Library of Congress American Folklife Center, Washington, D. C.

Written Works

Ageeva, Elena Aleksandrovna. “Dukhovnye razmyshleniia staroobriadtsev Oregona poslednei treti XX v.” In Staroobriadchestvo: istoriia i sovremennost’, mestnye traditsii, russkie i zarubezhnye sviazy: materialy v mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, 31 maia-1 iiuniia 2007 g., edited by A. P. Mairvob, 404-408. Ulan-Ude: Izdatel’stvo Buriatskogo gosuniversiteta, 2007.

—— “Starovery v Rossii i Amerike—obshchee i osobennoe v perepiske i polemike vtoroi poloviny XX v.” Trudy po russkoi i slavianskoi filologii. Lingvistika. Novaia seriia. IV: Russkie starovery za rubezhom / Tartuskii universitet, kafedra russkogo iazyka 1 (2000): 176-188.

Beliajeff, Anton Serge. “Icons in the Daily Life of Pomorians in the United States.” In Russian Copper Icons and Crosses from the Kunz Collection: Castings of Faith, edited by Richard E. Ahlborn and Vera B, Espinola, 15-16. Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology 51. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991.

Church of the Nativity, Russian Orthodox Old Rite. Erie, PA.

Karnow, Anastasia and Nadine Karnow. “Pimen Sofronov: Master Iconographer.” Russian Orthodox Journal 47, no. 4. (Sept. 1973):14-15.

Morris, Richard A. “Icons Amidst Russian Old Believers of Oregon and Alaska.” In Byzantium in the Casting Ladle: A Millennium of Metal Icons (exhibit brochure). Edited by Galina Frolova and Pia Lillbroända. Vantaa, Finland: Vantaan Kaupunginmuseo, 2000.

—— “Po Starykovsky (The Old People’s Way): End of Life Attitudes and Customs in Two Traditional Russian Communities.” In Coping With the Final Tragedy: Cultural Variation in Dying and Grieving, edited by David R. Counts and Dorothy A. Counts, 91-112. Amityville, New York: Baywood Publishing Company, 1991.

Old Ritualist Monks (website). Holy Nativity of the Mother of God Skete.

Robson, Roy. “Kul’tura pomorskikh staroobriadtsev v Pensil’vanii.” In Traditsionnaia dukhovnaia i material’naia kultura russkikh staroobriadcheskikh poselenii v stranakh Evropy, Azii i Ameriki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov, edited by N. N. Pokrovskii and Richard A. Morris, 27-33. Novosibirsk: “Nauka”, Sibirskoe otdelenie, 1992.

—— “The Other Russians: Old Believer Community Development in Erie, Pennsylvania.” Senior project, Allegheny College, 1985. 197 pp.

—— “Recovering Priesthood and the Emigre Experience Among Contemporary American Bespopovtsy Old Believers.” In Skupiska Staroobrzedowcow w Europie, Azji i Ameryce: ich Miesce i Tradycje we Wspolczesnym Swiecie, edited by Iryda Grek-Pabisowa, Irena Maryniakowa, Richard Morris, 131-137. Warszawa: Slawistyczny Osrodek Wydawniczy: Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Slawistyki, 1994.

Scheffel, David. “Chasovennye Old Believers.” In Buriats – Council of 1589, Orthodox Church, ed. Paul D. Steeves, 139-142. Vol. 5 of Modern Encyclopedia of Religions in Russia and the Soviet Union. New York: Academic International Press, 1993.

—— “Der Altglaubige Bischof Michail Kanadskij und sien Bistum.” In Kirche im Osten: Studien zur osteuropaischan Kirchengeschichte un Kirchenkunde 34, 92-100. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1991.

—— In the Shadow of Antichrist: the Old Believers of Alberta. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 1991.

—— “The Old Believers of Berezovka.” PhD diss., McMaster University, 1988. 261 pp.

—— “Staraia vera i russkii tserkovnyi obriad.” In Traditsionnaia dukhovnaia i material’naia kul’tura russkikh staroobriadcheskikh poselenii v stranakh Evropy, Asii i Ameriki: sbornik nauchnikh trudov, edited by Nikolai N. Pokrovskii and Richard A. Morris, 22-27. Novosibirsk: “Nauka,” Sibirskoe otdelenie, 1992.

Shor, T.K. “Sofronov Pimen Maksimovich.” In Staroverie Baltii i Pol’she; kratkii istoricheskii i biograficheskii slovar’, 353-355. Edited by Vasilii Baranovskii and Grigorii Potashenko. Vilnius: Aidai, 2005.

Wing, Seraphim. “Growth of the Old Rite Among Converts both within and outside of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and our Responsibility to them.” In Skupiska Staroobrzedowcow w Europie, Azji i Ameryce: ich Miesce i Tradycje we Wspolczesnym Swiecie, edited by Iryda Grek-Pabisowa, Irena Maryniakowa, Richard Morris, 125-130. Warszawa: Slawistyczny Osrodek Wydawniczy: Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Slawistyki, 1994.


Textiles & Costume

Museum and Archival Collections

Museum of Russian Old Orthodox History and Culture, Our Lady of Tikhvin Center, St. Benedict, OR.

Pratt Museum, Homer, AK.

Royal Alberta Museum, Edmonton, AB.

Randall V. Mills Archives of Northwest Folklore, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.

Written Works

Bird, Gail. Russian Punchneedle Embroidery. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 1999. 56 pp.

Carrasco, Priscilla. Praise Old Believers. Portland, Oregon: Priscilla Carrasco in association with Burdock/Burn Art Resource, 2003. 334 p.

Johnson, Patricia White. “Dress and Acculturation among the Russian Old Believers in Oregon.” MA thesis, Oregon State University, 1983. 134 pp.

Jones, Suzi. Webfoots and Bunchgrassers: Folk Art of the Oregon Country. Salem, Oregon: Oregon Arts Commission, 1980.

Kojin, Agripina, and Olympiada Basargin. How to Make a Talichka (Romanized): (Talichka). [Anchor Point, Alaska]: Nikolaevsk School, 1984.

Kojin, Agripina, and Olympiada Basargin. How to Make a Sarafan (Romanized): (Sarafan). [Anchor Point, Alaska]: Nikolaevsk School, 1984.

Maginnis, Tara. “Old Believer Dresses.” The Costumer’s Manifesto.

Milgram, Miriam. Field Report File 1986/025. Randall V. Mills Folklore Archive, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.

Russian Settler’s Dress” (sewing pattern #128). Asheville, N.C.: Folkwear (n.d.).

Todd-Hooker, Kathe. “The Embroidery of the Russian Old Believers.” Piecework 9, no. 3 (May/June 2001): 46-48.


Colfer, Arthur Michael. Morality, Kindred and Ethnic Boundary: A Study of the Oregon Old Believers. Immigrant Communities and Ethnic Minorities in the United States and Canada 3. New York: AMS Press, 1985. 159 pp.