
Scholarly Articles

Ageeva, Elena Aleksandrovna. “Dukhovnye razmyshleniia staroobriadtsev Oregona poslednei treti XX v.” In Staroobriadchestvo: istoriia i sovremennost’, mestnye traditsii, russkie i zarubezhnye sviazy: materialy v mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, 31 maia-1 iiuniia 2007 g., edited by A. P. Mairvob, 404-408. Ulan-Ude: Izdatel’stvo Buriatskogo gosuniversiteta, 2007.

—— “Starovery v Rossii i Amerike—obshchee i osobennoe v perepiske i polemike vtoroi poloviny XX v.” Trudy po russkoi i slavianskoi filologii. Lingvistika. Novaia seriia. IV: Russkie starovery za rubezhom / Tartuskii universitet, kafedra russkogo iazyka 1 (2000): 176-188.

Aidarov, Aleksandr. 2016. “Tourism and the Preservation of Old Belief in Estonia: The Frontstage and Backstage of Estonian Old Believers.International Journal of Cultural Policy 22 (2): 200–220.

Balawyder, A. “Russian Refugees from Constantinople and Harbin, Manchuria enter Canada.” Canadian Slavonic Papers 14, no. 1 (Spring 1972): 15-30.

Beliajeff, Anton S. “The Old Believers in the United States.” Russian Review 36, no. 1 (January 1977): 76-80.

—— “Icons in the Daily Life of Pomorians in the United States.” In Russian Copper Icons and Crosses from the Kunz Collection: Castings of Faith, edited by Richard E. Ahlborn and Vera B, Espinola, 15-16. Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology 51. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991.

—— and Richard A. Morris “Toward a Further Understanding of the Old Believers.” Cahiers du Monde Russe et Sovietique 28, no. 3-4 (July-Dec. 1987): 425-428.

Black, Lydia T. “Book Review: Old Believers in Oregon.” American Anthropologist. 85.3 (1983): 745-746.

——“Response to Dunn and Dunn.” American Anthropologist. 86.4 (1984): 991-993.

Chitty, Patricia. “A Culture in Peril: Russian Old Believers.” In Challenges of Cultural and Racial Diversity to Counseling. London Conference Proceedings (June 25-29, 1989), edited by Edwin L. Herr and John McFadden, 103-106 Vol. 1 of Great Britain and the United States. Alexandria, VA: American Association for Counseling and Development, 1991.

Colangelo, Nicholas, Susan G. Assouline and Jennifer K. New (Eds.) “End of the Road: the Kenai Peninsula.” In Gifted Voices from Rural America, 23-26. Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development. Iowa City, University of Iowa College of Education: 2001. The full text is available for view via Education Resources Information Center (ERIC # ED463916).

Dolan, Karen. “Sava (Sam Lee) and Anna Legenzoff: Pioneer Russian Settlers.” Journal of Erie Studies 20, no. 2 36-68.

Dunn, Ethel, and Stephen Dunn. 1984. “Comment on Black’s Review of Old Believers in Oregon“. American Anthropologist. 86 (4): 991.

Dunn and Dunn take Black to task for her review of the movie Old Believers. They discuss the priestest/priestless distinction and report that the Oregon Old Believers sometimes use Bible divination as a method of selecting a nastavnik (lay spiritual leader). Where Black recommends Donald Treadgold’s work as a source on Old Belief, the Dunns reject his work as defamatory and factually inadequate. They find the achievements of Hixon’s film to be considerable, especially given the limitations of available English-language scholarship and of the film medium itself. (Margaret McKibben)

Dutchak, Elena, and Artyom Vasilyev. 2016. “Breathing Life into Rare Book Collections: The Digitization of the Taiga Skit Old Believers Library.” Libri: International Journal of Libraries & Information Services 66 (4): 313–26.

Fedorova, S. G.  “Sem’ia u Russkikh Staroverov na Aliaska.” In Sem’ia u Narodov Ameriki, edited by Sh. A. Bogina, 297-307. Moscow: Nauka, 1991.

Filosofova, Tatiana. 2014. “Eschatological Folk Songs and Poetry in the Manuscript Tradition of the Russian Old Believers of Latgale“. Folklorica. 17: 38-65.

Eschatological beliefs and teachings form the core of the Russian Old Believer theological doctrine and world view and are broadly reflected in their writings and oral literature. This article sets out to examine the particularities of the body of the esch atological folk songs and poetry known to the Russian Old Believers who live in the eastern part of contemporary Latvia (Latgalia). The Latgalian Old Believer community is considered one of the richest, well preserved and fully functional communities of the bespopovtsy (the “priestless”) branch in Europe today. This current research was based on material from the manuscript collections held in the Drevlekhranilishche IRLI (St. Petersburg, Russia) and field work carried out in the Latgalian community between 2007 and 2010.

Freire-Maia, A., N. Freire-Maia, and A. Quelce-Salgado. 1960. “Genetic analysis in Russian Immigrants PTC sensitivity, finger prints, color vision, hand clasping, and arm folding“. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 18 (3): 235-240.

Researchers from the University of Parana in Curitiba province(?), Brazil, present the results of their preliminary survey of the genetically-linked traits named in the title. Their subject group is drawn from the Brazilian Old Believer community, described as “unrelated… Russian immigrants, who had arrived in 1958 at the State of Parana, Brazil.” The authors found an unexpectedly high incidence of right-over-left arm crossing, and an unexpectedly high frequency of non-tasters to PTC. Photos. (note: this South American work is included here because the subjects of the study are genetically closely related to Old Believer groups in North America. (Margaret McKibben)

Fursova, E.F. 2015. “MAPPING THE TRADITIONAL DRESS TYPES OF SOUTHWESTERN SIBERIAN OLD BELIEVERS (Late 1800s–early 1900s).” Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology & Ethnography of the Siberian Branch) 43 (4): 114–26.

Hall, Roberta L. 1973. “Anthropometric and Genetic Studies in a Russian Old Believer Population“. Human Heredity. 23 (2): 113-122.

Hall presents and discusses the results of a 1968-1969 study investigating eye color, hair color, height and weight, blood type, handedness, arm-crossing and ear lobe type in a sample of the Oregon Old Believer community. Her sample included members of the Turkish, Harbin and Sinkiang sub-groups. Her discussion of the findings considers not only genetics but cultural and environmental factors such as diet, employment, and the religious symbolism of right and left. (Margaret McKibben)

——  “Ecology of Breast Feeding Among the Russian Old Believers of Oregon.” (abstract) American Journal of Human Biology 81, no. 1 (1996): 117.

Drawing on data collected in 1969, Hall examines inter-relationships among infant feeding practices, birth spacing, and overweight status of women in the Oregon Old Believer community. The subject group of 150 families (approximately half the community) did not practice contraception. Intervals between births among bottle-feeding mothers averaged 10 months less than among breast-feeding mothers. Overweight among women was associated with number of children.

—— 1973. “Linguistic Variation in Three Russian-Speaking Groups of Oregon“. Anthropological Linguistics. 15 (2): 106-111.

Drawing on data collected in 1968-69, Hall discusses linguistic differences among three groups of Russian speakers in Oregon as illuminated by lexicostatistical methodology. Hall presented a list of 100 English words to five Russian/English bilingual subjects, asked them to state the equivalent Russian term, and then compared their responses. The subjects included one “Turkish” Old Believer, one “Sinkiang” Old Believer, one Molokan, one Russian Orthodox priest, and one advanced American student of Russian. Hall concludes that her data show that residence on the periphery of a language area is conducive to vocabulary changes. (Margaret McKibben)

—— 1986. “On Population Standards in Fertility“. Current Anthropology. 27 (1): 47.

Basing her work on field research among the Oregon Old Believers in the 1960s, Hall addresses the “Hutterite standard” of the upper fertility limits of human populations. Noting the difficulty of finding an appropriate population for comparison, Hall proposes adopting the model of total fertility rate, rather than completed fertility. Total fertility rate is computed as the sum of age-specific birth rates. Working from a sample of 180 Old Believer women, Hall calculates a total fertility rate of 9.215, as compared to a total fertility rate of 8.06 for Hutterite women. Thus, Hutterite populations may not provide a standard for age-specific fertility. (Margaret McKibben)

—— “The Russian Old Believers of Marion County, Oregon.” Marion County History 10 (1969-1971): 49-55.

Hardwick, Susan W. “The Impact of Religion on Ethnic Survival: Russian Old Believers in Alaska.” The California Geographer 31 (1991): 19-35.

—— “Russian Religious Settlement Along the Pacific Rim.” In Geographical Snapshots of North America, edited by Donald G. Janelle, 223-226. New York: Guilford Press, 1992.

Hood, David. “Erie’s Old Believer Community.” Journal of Erie Studies 7, no. 1 (1978): 7-39.

Kasatkin, Leonid Leonidovich. “Razlichiia v proiavlenii odnoi iuzhnorusskoi dialektnoi cherty v ustnoi i pis’mennoi rechi.” Russian Linguistics 22, no. 1 (March 1998): 59-69.

—— ; Kasatkina, Rozaliia Frantsevna. Staroobriadchestvo: istoriia, kul’tura, sovremennost’. Tezisy, 1997, edited by O. P. Ershova, V. I. Osipov and Y. I. Sokolova, 208-209. Moscow: Muzei istorii i kul’tury staroobriadchestva, 1997.

—— Kasatkina, Rozaliia Frantsevna. “Nekotorye tekstovye konnektory v regional’nykh i sotsial’nykh raznovidnostiakh russkogo iazyka (a, no, nu).” Russkii iazyk segodnia. Vypusk 1, sbornik statei, edited by L.P. Krysin, 157-169. Also printed in Verbal’naia i neverbal’naia opory prostranstva mezhfrazovykh sviazei: kollektivnaia monografiia, edited by T. M. Nikolaeva, 83-97. Moscow: Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury, 2004.

—— “Neraslichenie i mena svistiashchikh i shipiashchikh v govore russkikh staroobriadtsev, zhivushchikh v SShA v shtate Oregon, i v iazyke ikh predkov.” Sovremennaia russkaia dialektnaia i literaturnaia fonetika kak istochnik dlia istorii russkogo iazyka, edited by L. L. Kasatkin and R. F. Kasatkina, 328-363. Moskva: Nauka, shkola JARK, 1999.

—— “Neraslichenie svistiashchikh i shipiashchikh soglasnykh v iazyke russkikh staroobriadtsev v SShA v shtate Oregon.” Slavistica Vilnensis 46, no. 2 (1997): 138-152. (Series title: Kalbotyra.)

—— “Russkii iazyk oregonskikh staroobriadtsev: iazykovye portrety.” In Rechevoe obshchenie v usloviiakh iazykovoi neodnorodnosti, edited by Leonid Petrovich Krysin. Moscow: URSS, 2000.

Kasatkina, Rozaliia Frantsevna.” Lingvisticheskie svidetel’stva prarodiny ‘turchan’—russkikh staroobriadtsev, pereselivshikhsia iz Turtsii v SShA.” Trudy po russkoi i slavianskoi filologii. Lingvistika. Novaia seriia. IV: Russkie starovery za rubezhom / Tartuskii universitet, kafedra russkogo iazyka 1 (2000): 38-45.

—— “Nekotorye dialektnye arkhaizmy v govore oregonskikh ‘turchan’.” In Poetika, istoriia literatury, lingvistika. Sbornik k 70-letiiu Viacheslava Vsevolodovicha Ivanova, edited by Aleksei Alekseevich Vigasin and Viacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov, 792-798. Moscow: OGI, 1999.

—— ; Leonid Leonidovich Kasatkin. “Opyt stratigraficheskogo analiza leksiki odnogo pereselencheskogo govora.” In Rusistika na poroge XXI veka: problemy i perspektivy: materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii (Moskva, 8-10, iiunia 2002 g.), edited by A. M. Moldovan and V. N. Belousov, 365-368. Moskva: IRJA RAN, 2003.

—— “Oregonskie staroobriadtsy.” Zhivaia starina 48, no. 4 (2005): 51-54.

—— “Prarodina oregonskikh staroobriadtsev-turchan po dannym ikh govorov.” In Slavianskoe iazykoznanie: XIII mezhdunarodnyi s”ezd slavistov: Liubliana, 2003 g.: doklady rossijskoi delegatsii, International Congress of Slavists (13th: 2003: Ljubljana, Slovenia), edited by V. M. Zhivov, A. M. Moldovan and T. M. Nikolaeva, 309-322. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Indrik,” 2003.

Kasinec, Edward. “Observations on Slavonic Book Culture, with Notes on a Recent Expedition to Woodburn, Oregon.” St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 23, no. 3-4 (1979) : 217-222.

Khisamutdinov, Amir Aleksandrovich. Aliaska: v poiskakh zemli obetovannoi: russkie staroobriadtsy iz Rossii cherez Aziiu v Ameriku. Izd-vo Dal’nevostochnogo universiteta, 2015. <>.

Koroleva, Jelena, and Tatiana Filosofova. 2017. “A Love Story by a Distinguished Russian Old-Believer Storyteller from Latgalia”. Folklorica. 20: 47-81.

The strong and vibrant Russian Old Believer community of Eastern Latvia (Latgalia district) produced many gifted artists, writers, poets and storytellers. Some of them went beyond the traditional topical limitations of Orthodox Christianity and wrote poetry and fiction on non-religious matters, such as love, family relations, history and the like. This research aims to bring to light one particular short story The Forced Love written by a self-made author of Old Believer origin, Maria Pakhomovna Blokhina (1926-2010) to a broader readership. The story has been heavily influenced by Russian folk tales and contains valuable insights of the local ethnography and dialect. This study offers an examination of the story’s origins, plot, characters and language and aims to demonstrate the literary and folk heritage of the story, to demonstrate the story’s ethnographic relevance of the period and to examine how the deliberate use of the local dialect by the author reveals her creativity in producing a text close to the style of a folk tale.

Kuzmina, Liudmila P. “Old Believers in North America.” Paper presented at the conference of the Congress of the International Society for European Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF). Suz’dal, USSR, September 1982. Located at the Randall V. Mills Folklore Archive, University of Oregon, Eugene. 17 pp.

Kuzmina, Liudmila P. “Staroobriadtsy. Opyt k probleme aotsial’no-kul’turnoi adaptatsii.” In Staroobriadchestvo; istoriia, kul’tura, sovremennost’: tezisy 1997, edited by O.P. Ershova, V.I. Osipov, and Y.I. Sokolova, 7-9. Moscow: Muzei istorii i kultury staroobriadchestva, 1997. The entire volume in which this article is published is available for full download here.

Martin, Dominic A. “Freedom Believers 2020: Anti-Vaccine Activism and Political Liberalism in Oregon.” Religion, state & society 51, no. 1 (2023): 102–122.

——“Loyal to God: Old Believers, Oaths and Orders.History & Anthropology 28 (4) (2017): 477–96.

Morris, Richard A. “Contemporary Old Believer Settlements in Western United States: 20th Century Accommodation and Preservation.” In Sprache, Literatur und Geschichte der Altgläubigen, edited by Baldur Panzer and Timo Haapenen, 133-148. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1988.

——  “The Dispersion of Old Believers in Russia and Beyond.” In “Silent as Waters We Live” Old Believers in Russia and Abroad: Cultural Encounter With the Finno-Ugrians, edited by Juha Pentikainen,103-125. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 1999.

——  “Icons Amidst Russian Old Believers of Oregon and Alaska.” In Byzantium in the Casting Ladle: A Millennium of Metal Icons (exhibit brochure), edited by Galina Frolova and Pia Lillbroända. Vantaa, Finland: Vantaan Kaupunginmuseo, 2000.

Same title printed in Russian Copper Icons and Crosses from the Kunz Collection: Castings of Faith (exhibit brochure), edited by Richard E, Ahlborn and Vera B. Espinola, 11-14. Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology 51. Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991.

—— “Mir molodykh staroobriadtsev v Origone.” In Traditsionnaia dukhovnaia i material’naia kul’tura russkikh staroobriadcheskikh poselenii v stranakh Evropy, Azii i Ameriki. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, edited by Nikolai Nikolaevich Pokrovskii and Richard A. Morris, 17-22. Novosibirsk: “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie, 1992.

—— “Obschina staroverov v Amerike kak odna iz modelei dlia razvitiia demokratii v Rossii.” In Skupiska Staroobrzedowcow w Europie, Azji i Ameryce: ich Miesce i Tradycje we Wspolczesnym Swiecie, edited by Iryda Grek-Pabisowa, Irena Maryniakowa and Richard Morris, 23-31. Warsaw: Slawistyczny Osrodek Wydawniczy: Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Slawistyki, 1994.

——  “The Old Believers: the Survival of a Religious and Cultural Heritage.” SEEFA Journal 6, no.2 (Fall 2001): 5-10.

—— “Po Starykovsky (The Old People’s Way): End of Life Attitudes and Customs in Two Traditional Russian Communities.” In Coping With the Final Tragedy: Cultural Variation in Dying and Grieving, edited by David R. Counts and Dorothy A. Counts, 91-112. Amityville, New York: Baywood Publishing Company, 1991.

—— “Polevaia rabota po izucheniiu traditsionnoi russkoi kul’tury v SShA i Rossii.” In Traditsionnaia narodnaia kul’tura naseleniia Urala: materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, edited by S.A. Dimukhametova et al., 34-38. Perm: Permskii Obl. Kraevedcheskii Muzei, 1997.

—— “The Problem of Preserving a Traditional Way of Life Amongst the Old Believers of the USA and the USSR.” Religion in Communist Lands 18, no. 4 (Winter 1990): 356-362.

—— “Russian Orthodox Old Believers: Traits of a 17th Century Culture in the 21st Century.” In Russia and the Asian-Pacific Region, edited by Vladimir Maliavin, 22-47. Taipei, Taiwan: Tamkang University, 2004.

—— ; Morris, Tamara. “Russkie starovery severnoi Ameriki: istoriia i sovremennost’.” In Staroobriadchestvo: istoriia i sovremennost’, mestnye traditsii, russkie i zarubezhnye sviazy: materialy v mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, 21 maia-1 iiuniia 2007 g., edited by N. A. Darbanova, I. Zh. Stepanova, 294-302. Ulan-Ude: Izdatel’stvo Buriatskogo gosuniversiteta, 2007.

—— “Sokhranie i izmenenie etnichnosti v polietnicheskoi srede.” In Etnicheskie protsessy v SSSR i SSHA: materialy sovetsko-amerikanskogo simpoziuma, edited by V.I. Kozlov. 163-183. Moskva: INION AN SSSR, 1986.

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—— ; Morris, Tamara. “Svadebnyi obriad u staroobriadtsev Oregona.” Zhivaia starina 2(54), (2007): 15-18.

Morris, Tamara. “Odezhda staroverov Oregona.” Zhivaia starina, 3 (2016): 32-37.

Nakamura, Yoshikazu. “Romanovka: poselok staroverov v Man’chzhurii (1936-1945).” In Traditsionnaia dukhovnaia i material’naia kultura russkikh staroobriadcheskikh poselenii v stranakh Evropy, Azii i Ameriki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov, edited by N. N. Pokrovskii and Richard A. Morris, 247-253. Novosibirsk: “Nauka”, Sibirskoe otdelenie, 1992.

—— “Starovery glazami iapontsev.” In Staroobriadchestvo Sibiri i dal’nego vostoka: istoriia i sovremennost’, mestnye traditsii, russkie i zarubezhnye sviazy: materialy vtoroi mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii 6-10 sentiabria 1999 g., g. Vladivostok, edited by IU .V. Argudiaeva 102-108. Vladivostok: Izdatel’stvo Dalnevostochnogo Universiteta, 2000.

Naumescu, Vlad. 2011. “The Case for Religious Transmission: Time and Transmission in the Anthropology of Christianity“. Religion and Society. 2 (1): 54-71.

—— 2016. “The End Times and the near Future: The Ethical Engagements of Russian Old Believers in Romania.Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22 (2): 314–31.

Nikitina, Serafima Evegen’evna. “Iazykovoe samosoznanie molokan i staroobriadtsev SShA: sud’by russkogo iazyka.” Rusistika 1 (1998).

—— “Oregonskie staroobriadtsy kak lingvokul’turnye lichnosti.” In Staroobriadchestvo, istoriia, kul’tura, sovremennost’. Materialy 1998, edited by V. I. Osipov and Y. I. Sokolova, 200-202. Moscow: Musei istorii I kul’tury staroobriachestva, 1998.

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Reiben, Cynthia. “Objective: Citizenship.” Community and Junior College Journal 46, no. 2 (October 1975): 20-21.

The odyssey of 290 Russian Orthodox “Old Believers” is traced from their exit from southeastern Russia in the 1920’s to their establishment of the community of Nikolaevsk, Alaska, climaxed by naturalization classes provided by Kenai Peninsula Community College in the spring of 1975. (ERIC # EJ124657.)

Robson, Roy. “Kul’tura pomorskikh staroobriadtsev v Pensil’vanii.” In Traditsionnaia dukhovnaia i material’naia kultura russkikh staroobriadcheskikh poselenii v stranakh Evropy, Azii i Ameriki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov, edited by N. N. Pokrovskii and Richard A. Morris, 27-33. Novosibirsk: “Nauka”, Sibirskoe otdelenie, 1992.

—— “Recovering Priesthood and the Emigre Experience Among Contemporary American Bespopovtsy Old Believers.” In Skupiska Staroobrzedowcow w Europie, Azji i Ameryce: ich Miesce i Tradycje we Wspolczesnym Swiecie, edited by Iryda Grek-Pabisowa, Irena Maryniakowa, Richard Morris, 131-137. Warszawa: Slawistyczny Osrodek Wydawniczy: Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Slawistyki, 1994.

Rovnova, Ol’ga Gennad’evna. “O kategorii vida v govore russkikh staroobriadtsev shtata Oregon (SShA).” Trudy po russkoi i slavianskoi filologii. Lingvistika. Novaia seriia. IV: Russkie starovery za rubezhom / Tartuskii universitet, kafedra russkogo iazyka 1 (2000): 154-163.

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